

Pinterest has quickly become a large way for teachers to share resources and information. It lets you build ‘boards’ and easily ‘pin’ parts of the web (text, images, videos, websites, etc.) onto those boards which you can then organise into relevant categories. With Pinterest, you can find a pandora’s box of information across many different categories (Spangler, 2013). Whether you’re a teacher or a student, Pinterest can be used to find interesting bits of information or graphics through history, architecture, photography, education, science, art, and technology that you can use to further your understanding or just make your classroom/assignment visually appealing; but of course with anything on the internet we need to make sure the information we are using is correct and true meaning additional research may be needed for classroom activities.

As an up and coming teacher in the digital world I believe sites such as Pinterest complement activates taught within the classroom by finding new or additional content to be taught within a lesson as well as  even having students create their own Pinterest board so that I as the teacher can get to know the students interests and plan a lesson around them to go the extra mile to engage the student. If you classroom has an active blog Pinterest can act as a monthly news letter for the parents in your class by posting pictures of the children work and linking them to their own write up in the blog (Spangler, 2013). Pinterest also allows the teacher to post useful information for parents or activities they could do at home that would be relevant to what the students are learning in the classroom.

My Technology in the Classroom Pinterest Page


Spangler, S. (2013, September 17). Teachers and Educators Can Use Pinterest as a Resource In and Out of the Classroom [Web log post]. Retrieved from

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